- “GCBR” refers to Gouritz Cluster Biosphere Reserve NPC with registration number 2011/008876/08 and Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) number: 930059846
- “APPLICANT refers to the person / representative applying for the “FRIENDS SMALL GRANT”
- “FRIEND/S” refers to individuals, groups, clubs, schools and non-profit companies who are implementing environmental projects with assistance of an approved “FRIENDS SMALL GRANT”
- “HERO/ES” refers to businesses that sign up to the “FRIENDS OF THE BIOSPHERE” programme
- “FRIENDS OF THE BIOSPHERE” is a programme created, managed and driven by the “GCBR” that elicits funding from local businesses to support and enable local, voluntary environmental initiatives
- “FRIENDS SMALL GRANT” is an amount between R1 000 (one thousand Rand) and R15 000 (fifteen thousand Rand) that is awarded by the “GCBR” to “Friends” for them to implement approved environmental projects
- The APPLICANT confirms that they are eligible to apply for a FRIENDS SMALL GRANT as an individual/group/club/non-profit company or school
- The APPLICANT declares that the information provided in the FRIENDS SMALL GRANT application form is true and correct to the best of their knowledge
- The APPLICANT confirms that the project being applied for will take place and benefit areas within the GCBR region
- The APPLICANT acknowledges that the minimum amount that can be applied for with a FRIENDS SMALL GRANT is R1 000 (one thousand Rand)
- The APPLICANT acknowledges that a maximum amount that can be applied for with a FRIENDS SMALL GRANT for a first-time application is R3,000 (three thousand Rand)
- The APPLICANT acknowledges that after completing a previously approved project through the FRIENDS OF THE BIOSPHERE programme that they may apply for up to a maximum of R15 000 (fifteen thousand rand) for their following FRIENDS SMALL GRANT applications
- The APPLICANT agrees that 70% of the donations collected by the GCBR from HEROES will be pooled by GCBR according to the local municipal region they are from, unless otherwise requested by the HERO
- The APPLICANT agrees that 30% of the donations collected by the GCBR from HEROES will be retained by the GCBR to manage and advance the FRIENDS OF THE BIOSPHERE programme
- The APPLICANT acknowledges that approval of the FRIENDS SMALL GRANT is subject to project category alignment and funding availability
- If the application for the FRIENDS SMALL GRANT is successful the APPLICANT will be required to enter into a contract before funds are paid over to the FRIENDS
- If the application for the FRIENDS SMALL GRANT is successful, the APPLICANT consents to GCBR sharing information about their project to support marketing and communication on FRIENDS OF THE BIOSPHERE and the GCBR web and social media platforms
- The GCBR reserves the right to refuse any application
- The GCBR will protect APPLICANT and FRIENDS personal information as per the GCBRs Privacy Notice and Privacy Policy
- The APPLICANT agrees to all the Terms and Conditions