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Welcome Friend

We appreciate and value nature-positive voluntary efforts made by everyone living and working in the Gouritz Cluster Biosphere Reserve (GCBR). We would love to help increase the impact of these environmental projects.

The Friends of the Biosphere programme aims to promote sustainable practices, increase environmental awareness and protect the special biodiversity within all the towns and communities across the GCBR by awarding small grants to qualifying individuals, clubs, groups, schools and NPCs for aligned projects.


Project Categories

Environmental awareness

Initiatives that enhance understanding of the environment, the impacts of human behaviours, and the importance of the protection of the environment.

Project examples:

Environmental message murals in public spaces

Environmental educational outreach/ workshop/ activities
Clean-up / recycle/ upcycle initiatives

Organised efforts to remove waste from an area or environment and/or the promotion of recycling and turning trash into treasure.

Project examples:

Community clean up events to remove litter from natural and public spaces

Upcycling initiatives such as art and ecobricks
Indigenous tree planting

Initiatives to create more green spaces within communities by planting indigenous trees and other indigenous plants.

Project examples:

Plant indigenous shrubs and pollinator-friendly flowers in public spaces

Plant indigenous trees in a park
School environmental projects

Initiatives that aim to improve the natural environment within and around schools and/or enhance learners’ understanding and appreciation of the natural world and its functioning.

Project examples:

Implement improved eco-friendly practices in the schools to save water and lower energy demand
School environmental club educational outing
Citizen science projects

Projects where the general public gathers data to submit for scientific research.

Project examples:

Acquire tools to conduct regular mini-SASS river monitoring

Outdoor nature event to capture data for iNaturalist in key areas

Environmental rehabilitation

Employ activities in disturbed areas to reverse/minimise negative environmental impacts.

Project examples:

Invasive alien plants clearing events

Reforestation event/ projects

Conservation of indigenous species

The conservation of indigenous plant and animal species in their natural habitat or natural ecosystem

Project examples:

Rescue, rehabilitate and release wildlife back into their natural habitat

Projects that protect an area for the benefit of an indigenous species

How does this programme work?

Submit online application

Individuals / clubs / groups / schools / NPCs apply for a small grant online

Receive grant

Grant is reviewed and if approved a contract is entered into and the funds are paid over

Do green work

For the duration of the contract the individuals / clubs / groups / schools / NPCs are considered as “Friends”

Report back

Once the project is finalised our “Friend” needs to report back on the outcome and is welcome to apply for a new grant

Benefits of being a Friend

  • Financial support to enhance the impact of their environmental project
  • Pro-active engagement with businesses to elicit secure funding through the GCBR, a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO), to assist your project
  • Increased awareness and support of “Friends” projects through our website and social media channels
  • Discounted rates on all GCBR apparel

Become a friend of the biosphere

Who can be a “Friend”?

Anyone within the GCBR region who has a passion for improving where and how we live, and who has the energy and drive to make a difference within our fundable projects’ categories. These may include, but are not limited to:


Informal volunteer groups


Non-profit organisations (NPOs)
