The Donkey Cart, led by the passionate Sarah Fitz-Gerald, is a remarkable grocery and food delivery service that has become an essential part of the Barrydale community. With a focus on supporting local businesses, The Donkey Cart ensures that residents can access fresh produce and artisanal goods, even when they can’t visit shops in person. Sarah’s dedication to her town shines through in every aspect of the service, fostering a spirit of community and connection.
We salute Sarah and the team at The Donkey Cart, for their tireless efforts to enrich our community and support local businesses.
We also extend our heartfelt thanks to Sarah for joining the Friends of the Biosphere Programme and supporting local initiatives that drive environmental awareness and nature-positive projects. Your commitment to sustainability and community well-being is truly inspiring!
Type of entity: Delivery Service
Location: 15A Villiers Street Barrydale 6750
Contact: 083 680 2411 |